LIC #6516


Our Initial Service includes:

Full exterior treatment and Interior treatment

Interior Treatment:

On the inside of your property we treat all of the major points of entry which include, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry room, and all door and window openings, with the latest and most effective liquid sprays, baits, and dust, depending on the type of activity.

Full Exterior Treatment:

On the outside of your property we treat the entire perimeter of the home, and property line (retaining wall) with the newest liquid products. We also granulate any areas that may get wet due to sprinklers, drip systems, or even rain. The granules are activated with water and treat the soil. Next we bait all dry rock areas with a multi-insect granular bait. We then will place glueboard traps at the edge of the garage doors to trap any pesky insects, or rodents. And last we will examine the outside for any wasp or spider activity. Any activity that is located will be flushed out with pesticide, and the nest or webbing will be removed. Always expect a 5-7 day flushing period after the property is treated.

Kitchen Counter Check

Tree Inspection

Preventative Monthly Maintenance:

The initial service is mainly used to flush out the activity. Depending on the type of activity though, it may take multiple treatments to eliminate the problem. Once the problem is eliminated the interior treatment is not necessary for the preventative monthly maintenance, since the exterior treatment will be preventing future infestations from getting inside. The various products break down in 30-60 days depending on product type, due to heat, wind, water, and time. Therefore your Preventative Monthly Maintenance is a vital component to preventing future infestations from surrounding areas. Don’t forget, if your problem returns Pitbull Pest Control guarantees all services and will return for free.

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